685 Market St
San Francisco, CA 94105
Mon - Fri: 2pm - 2am
Sat: 11:30am - 2am
Sun: 10am - 2am
The Lark Bar recently moved-on-up to Market St beside the Palace Hotel. The Lark is an approachable downtown neighborhood sports bar. We pride ourselves on offering a friendly, unpretentious, laid-back vibe and a welcoming atmosphere. Whether you're in the mood for a cold beer on tap, a well-crafted classic cocktail, or something in between, we've got you covered at The Lark. Our experienced and stellar bartenders can suggest a good drink to suit your taste and mood. We have great beers on tap and fair prices. For the Giants, Warriors and the Niners, if you can't be at the game in person, you will not be disappointed to spend those good times with us.....